Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A sad sad day

Today didn't set out to be a sad day, in fact it began as an OK day, with potential, but now it just lost it.
The sadness began about midday, right after a really good devotional, when Jen decided to bring up that she is leaving at 5 tomorrow (Wednesday) morning to go to Hawaii.

(Notice how she didn't invite me!) The day was as decent as possible after that. But the volleyball game sent it on a downward spiral. The game began with our side struggling to keep their heads up in sets one and two, despite some excellent playing on the part of Jen. Set three pulled us up, and a repeat set four got us back in the boat. But in the last serves of set five Utah State (boo hiss boo) pushed us back in the lake.

And now today concludes with me watching Jen pack. I think I'll have to do something really exciting over Thanksgiving while she plays more volleyball in CO. (Not that it will begin to cover the fact that basketball is going to HI too.) Oh well, here's to a safe trip and fantastic couple of games for the girls, and adequate survival for me.


  1. Okay, this is the whine....since I've not heard you whine much in your life, I have been wondering what it would be like. Now I see. I know you will have a fun weekend with new friends. Your trip to Hawaii will come.....someday! And, hopefully, with me! haha

  2. haha well the whine was mostly to get Jen to put me in her bag instead of the smelly socks, but it didn't work. =(
