Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On this day...

Yesterday 18 years ago the world was a dark and dreary place. Today 18 years ago the world suddenly experienced joy as a tiny new life entered spreading light, joy and happiness where ever she went. The following are pictures from the world-wide celebration of my birthday. As you can see those closest to me must look away at my joyous brightness. =)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Done, Done, Done!

We've Done It! 

August 31, 2010: Jen and Erin begin the adventure called Freshman Year of College. 

April 21, 2011: Jen and Erin take their last finals officially closing the chapter of their lives called Freshman Year of College. 

So yeah....
We've Done It!

P.S.  Jen and I will be moving into the recently
 vacated basement at 294 E 60N. Lindon, UT. 
Any suggestions for a name change?
P.P.S. If you'd like a slightly more sentimental 
reflection check out Call Me...Erin.