Monday, September 13, 2010

Eating Jen's Money

The topic floating around 1116 today is the consumption of Jen's money. Basically the way our dining plans work is that you are given $X/day, and then you can use that money (almost) anywhere you want to, and any left over money goes to an account that builds to $100, and then stops until spent. So in the interest of not wasting money a good student will eat all of their money. Which, as it turns out is a lot harder than it sounds, especially for two girls.

Anyways so the dilemma is, or was rather, the fact that we like to eat at the Hamson's on Sundays, and for Jen in particular she gets fed food before each volleyball game. Thus she had nearly reached her limit this weekend. Therefore to rectify the situation we had a lovely lunch with David and Tresa, in the Skyroom. And for all of you waiting for the dramatic ending...I think she'll be ok when she leaves for HI Wednesday morning. You'll have to wait and see if I survive....=D

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