Monday, October 4, 2010

Average Day

6:30 - wake up because wonderful roommate has to eat breakfast inside dorm, now that Cannon hours have changed to 7:00. (When weights start. I should probably actually note that I would've gotten up at 6:30 anyways, but it make me feel better to put this in here lol)

9:45 - leave for a math lecture, I've already had, in freezing cold weather

11:30 - excellent lunch

11:55 - get chewed out by a random kid because I am actually doing my homework. He thought I should be studying for the up coming test in the same class. 1) why does he care? 2) This is how I do it, buzz off.

1:00 - 3:00 - sit through the same lecture twice (by 2 teachers) hoping to learn something different (which I did)

3:10 - leave in a light rain for the gym, get half way there and realize I forgot my ID card, get half way back and realize I should probably just stay home due to the fact that I now compare to a drowned rat and hail has begun to pelt all those still outside.

now - I get to sit at home and study American Heritage, do all my other HW, and stare at the bucket of Jelly Bellies. (Thanks MOM!)

On the upside, I have now tricked Jen into signing up as an author for this page, which means if I sign on as her I can say things in her name (muahahaha).
Additionally, there is thunder and lightening, which makes me happy=)
But really CA, you couldn't have kept all the rain????

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