Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DU's Defense

The following is the email the sports editor for the Daily Universe sent in defense of the paper:

Dear Erin Hamson,

Thank you for reading The Daily Universe and for responding. It's always great to know we have readers out there who pay attention to what we're doing.

First, I want you to know right away that we at The Daily Universe have no intention of discriminating against women or treating them unfairly. But I think where your argument might be a little misguided is that you're taking a stand for women's rights, when really this is an issue about sports journalism and not sexism.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thursday is now Tuesday

Apparently to The Universe Thursday is now Tuesday. Don't ask me why this is, it just is.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Daily Universe: A Rant

A long, long time ago, (in a galaxy far, far away...) it was decided that men and women are equal. So why can't a very nice university, BYU for example, that has a fairly good paper, the Daily Universe, treat us as such?

Warning: Below is a rant about how amazing BYU's Womens basket ball team is and how they deserve more page space than Jimmer Fredette the day after they pound the Utes. No offense to Jimmer, but he can wait.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Family History

These are some wordles I made about family history.

Wordle: Family History3 
Wordle: Family History2
Wordle: Family History

Wordles are a great way to express ideas in a picture. Not to mention fun and exciting to look at! They are fairly easy to create.
1) Ascertain that your computer likes you and is willing to obey.
2) Go to
3) Click on the tab or link labeled "create".
4) Type or paste a bunch of text. The key here is that the words that you want biggest need to be typed the most. However, you need at least 15-20 different words to make your wordle's look their best.
5) Click "go".
6) Then using the "edit", "language", "font", "layout", and "color" tabs you can adjust nearly every feature of you picture.
7) Click "save to public gallery", and fill in the appropriate information.
8) Remember to write down the URL for your project! There is no way to search for Wordles. So unless you wrote it down you get to spend hours sifting through millions of pictures looking for yours.
9) Good luck!